Thursday September 26, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
Jason sits down with DPE Jim Pitman to discuss changes in the new Private ACS, CFI ACS, and common check ride errors.
RegisterThursday October 24, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
CFI Jason Miller and builder-pilot Justin Phillipson discuss:
The Finer Points of leaning. Why do we lean for ground ops? Is lean of peak a good idea? How can you find these settings on various equipment? If you want to learn more about what goes on under the hood, don't miss this live conversation and the chance to ask questions.
Thursday November 21, 2024 5:00 PM PST
CFI Jason Miller and Expedition Physician Howard Donner discuss: Spending the Unexpected Night Out.
Studies show that even with the best contingency planning, flight plans, and locater beacons, most off-airport landings require 24-36 hours out before rescue.
Thursday December 19, 2024 5:00 PM PST
CFI Jason Miller and R.H. from Opposing Bases discuss: working with ATC, misconceptions about ATC, and what it was like to transition from working ATC to airline flying. Don't miss this live conversation and the chance to ask questions.
Thursday August 22, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
CFII Jason Miller and Alaska pilot Deon Mitton will present:
The importance of training beyond the ACS. Learning the edges of the envelope is how Alaska pilots “graduate” their first season and continue to operate safely in a very challenging environment. This talk is about what we can learn from that approach and what skills we can practice to improve here in the lower 48.
Tuesday May 21, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
In this talk, Jason sits down with RH from the Opposing Bases podcast. RH is a pilot, a long-time air traffic controller, and will help us learn some of the behind-the-scenes factors that ATC deals with daily.
Thursday April 25, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
In this talk, two expert flight instructors will discuss how general aviation pilots can use professional procedures to achieve the highest levels of safety. Learn the secrets of how professional aircrews operate daily in all kinds of weather while maintaining a nearly perfect safety record.
Thursday March 28, 2024 5:00 PM PDT
In this talk, expert flight instructor, Jason Miller from The Finer Points, will discuss the most common errors pilots make while landing and suggest techniques one can use to fix them. Many people have never been taught where to look or how to break the landing into phases. Join us for a fun talk on how to improve what is arguably (in the minds of your passengers at least) the most important part of the flight.